WB: Albanian economy grew with 2.1% during 2014

15/01/2015 00:00

The World Bank says that the Albanian economy grew with 2.1% in 2014.
The recent report about the global economy perspective, the World Bank
says that the Albanian economy has reached the growth objective, despite
the economic deterioration in the Eurozone and the world in general.

The World Bank says that the Albanian economy grew with 2.1% in 2014. The recent report about the global economy perspective, the World Bank says that the Albanian economy has reached the growth objective, despite the economic deterioration in the Eurozone and the world in general.

The WB experts say that the economic growth will accelerate with 3% this year, and 4% in the next year.

The most authoritarian institutions in economy, the IMF and the World Bank, have not changed their evaluations for the Albanian economy, despite the latest negative events in the Eurozone.

The World Bank corrected their evaluation for the global economic growth. According to them, the global production will grow with 3%, from 3.4% that it was evaluated in June. The predictions have been corrected with a reduction even for the next year.

According to the report, the global economy is working with one motor only, which is that of the American economy.  The economic situation in other regions is still dim.

The Eurozone is the most affected, where the economic growth evaluation in 2015 was corrected from 1.8% to 1.1%. The report warns that Europe might face a long period of low inflation and slow economic growth.

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