WB alarm for youth

27/04/2013 00:00

A recent report of the World Bank raises the alarm that Albania’s youth
is receiving bad education, lacking even of the minimal skills.

The report that focuses on the job market development came out with a shocking result that 57% of the 15-year-olds in Albania are functional illiterate, unable to understand and execute their knowledge through reading. These people know how to read, but they don’t understand what they read.

The results based on the Pisa tests show that this is one of the highest functional illiteracy norms in Europe and Central Asia, leaving behind only Kyrgistan, Aserbaijan and Kazakhistan. Albania holds a negative record in the Balkan region.

The figures show that the education in Albania is badly managed, compared to the other countries. The 2010 budget for education was twice lower than the average of the EU, while the education system has faced innumerous changes recently that often go against of each other.

But beyond the causes, the report results show that Albania has a large problem that damages the economic perspective. Most of the young uneducated people are unable to find a job. Besides not being able to contribute in the economic growth, they turn into a burden for the state budget.

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