Waste Import law analyzed on Top Channel’s “Top Story”

29/09/2016 00:00

The Parliament passed the waste import law, which the government says is
a request of the EU, and that the recycling industry has developed so
much that it cannot be ignored anymore.

This sudden complete change of stances from the majority and opposition has caused a series of arguments. The government tries to convince people with its arguments, the opposition wants a referendum.

This and other matters were discussed this Thursday on Top Channel’s “Top Story”, hosted by Sokol Balla, with analysts Mustafa Nano, Artur Zheji, Skender Minxhozi, Prec Zogaj, Neritan Sejamini, Arjan Vasjari and Sazan Guri.

Minxhozi compared the current law with the chemical weapons and said that the government made a mistake by finalizing the law without explaining it to the public first.

Analyst Mustafa Nano criticized the government for the suspicious secrecy, for which Minxhozi also agreed that Rama should have explained it at least six months before passing it. However, Minxhozi says the current law is much better than the previous one, since it allows the import of only four wastes that are on the EU Green List.

Neritan Sejamini said that the current law is almost identical to the one made by Berisha, and that the changes are simply word play, nothing essential.

Prec Zogaj made a more political analyze of the issue, saying that Rama’s government had promised during the elections to repeal this law, and now they broke that promise.

Arjan Vasjari replied by saying that the media and civil society are trying to inject a non-existent nightmare to the public, since this law is necessary to revive the recycling industry.

Prec Zogaj reminded the referendum, while environmentalist Sazan Guri also went against the law and said that no condition was improved for the waste import.

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