Waiting for the EU report, Bushati: Commission accepted our suggestion

07/05/2015 00:00

The Albanian Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, declared for Top Channel
that the reforms of Albania for Integration will be part of an EU report
that will be issued soon. Bushati says that the proposition for the
European Commission to review the enlargement strategy.

“We expect the progress report that will be published this Autumn by the European Commission will reflect and evaluate the reforms that have been undertaken, the positive course of the reforms and certainly, the challenges our country is facing, especially in the rule of law in the economy. I am happy that the European Commission has taken in consideration our suggestion for a review and improvement of the enlargement strategy, which will also be published this Autumn, by giving some comparative elements between different countries of the region, as a way to encourage the process of approaching our countries with the EU and to make us encourage more regional cooperation, since most of the cases have a inter-border chaaracter and some of the challenges are such that they are faced by all countries of the region, despite the level in which they are regarding the EU integration process. I believe that this will help with the negotiation process for the EU membership”, Bushati declared.

TCH: What are these elements?

“A possibility that has been discussed with the European Commission is taking some important European standard campaigns that are considered a priority for all the countries of the region, and making a comparison, as it happened with the visa liberalization process. This would encourage a honest competition between the countries of the region and bring higher implementation of standards in practice. As result, the quality of life would be improved and there would be an accelerated progress of the European integration process, and secondly, some issues for which we have insisted are related to the studying of the rights and chapters 23 and 24, where the best practices can be discussed and confronted with all countries of the region, regardless the fact if the country has officially started the talsk for accession or not, because that would help all the countries and would reduce the waiting time from the moment that the Commission would recommend starting the talks and until the official negotiations are started”, Bushati underlined.

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