Vucic, the first Serbian PM to visit Presheva

15/07/2015 00:00

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Alexandar Vucic, was welcomed by the
Presheva Valley Albanians. Vucic praised the hosting tradition of the
Albanian citizens, and visited the new maternity, a project which also
had funds by the governments of Albania and Kosovo.

Although he told Mayor Mustafa that “your people could have given more”, referring to Prime Minister Rama, Vucic said this is the time to not only speak with each other, but to also listen.

As the first Serbiam PM to visit Presheva, Vucic said there is room for investments, but he was also impressed by the chess club. He described an episode of his youth in the army, saying that his only valid adversaries by then were the Albanian soldiers.

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