Ilir Kulla, expert of safety issues, as one of the few voices that
support the arrival of Syrian chemical weapons in Albania, explained in
an interview for Top Channel why they are in favor of this process.
“We are part of NATO. The Syrian conflict almost degenerated in a global war. Giving our contribution for destroying the chemical arsenal is a contribution to peace and the environment, although environmentalists are against it”, Kulla declared.
When asked about the danger of this process, Kulla explained: “These are not waste materials, but chemical weapons, such as rockets or bullets that will be dismantled and the chemical part will be processed with the most advanced technology of the Alliance. Albania will offer two processes: the first one is using its ports for the weapon transportation and the second is using a small part of the territory for them until the technology will arrive. This will be done with success and will increase Albania’s credibility in the NATO”, Kulla underlined.
As for the military bases mentioned recently in the media, Ilir Kulla that it could be the Mjekes plant or the one in Qafe Molla.
He also underlined the implementation of safety, which, according to him, will be guaranteed by the United States and other collaborators.
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