The Voice of America has published an article in which they say that the investigation led by the Prosecution of Serious Crimes against Arben Cuko, a former Prison Director and former Socialist Party MP, have shown registration of phone calls that reveal how Cuko spoke with several members of the SP about hiring persons that were closed o them.
Local officials, MPs from the Socialist Party and Mayors were recorded talking to Cuko about exchanging influence and asking favours for employing or transferring persons, only based on personal ties and party affiliations, rather than merit.
Cuko, a former commander of the National Guard, was fired and arrested a few months after he was appointed Prison Director. He was recorded by the Prosecution communicating with the members of a criminal gang, talking about the transfer of a convict.
Cuko was heard on the phone talking to Rama’s cabinet director, Vali Bizhga, about hiring a girl. Bizhga admitted that she had intermediated after she had been asked for help by the Mother Theresa sisters in Tirana, who confirm her story.
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