Vlora Airport will have cheaper flight tickets than Rinas

26/01/2018 18:18

Flight tickets in the Vlora Airport will be cheaper than Rinas.

The government has sent a draft-law in Parliament which decides the negotiation procedure with the Turkish company for building the airport.

The report shows that the Turkish companies have proposed cheaper travel fees.

The exact structure of fees will be decided in further discussions with the Turkish consortium and the inter-institutional commission of negotiation from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.

The government says that the main purpose of the negotiations will be the signing of a contract that has minimal impact in the state budget.

The three Turkish companies will invest 100 million EUR, and in exchange, they will manage it for several years, with a guaranteed base profit. This means that if the companies will not have the specific profit, it will be covered by the state budget.

The draft-law says that the government has planned that the airport would transport 80% of international tourists who visit Southern Albania during holidays, making it a bigger airport than Rinas.

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