Visar Zhiti will be in Vatican as charge d’affaires at the Holy See, the
highest representative of Albania in absence of an Ambassador.
“Visar Zhiti is more than a name and more than a candidate proposed by government to serve in an important country, such as the Holy See of Vatican. I reconfirm the stance that our government doesn’t have the luxury to not use capacities such as Visar Zhiti for our country’s interest. The details will be known in the days to come”, declared the Foreign Miniser, Ditmir Bushati.
This might be the end of the battle between the Presidency and the government, a battle that the Foreign Ministry has thought to end through this method.
As for the long-term solution between the government and the president for the competences in appointing ambassadors, it might be one of those debates that would need an intervention in the Constitution during the judiciary reform, although the government says that this Constitution is very clear about the formal role of the President in decreeing diplomats.
Agreement with Belgium for 35.000 immigrants
The Foreign Minister was in a press release with his Belgian counterpart, with good news for the 35.000 Albanians who live in Belgium. The ratification of the pension agreement and the recognition of the Albanian tamp will help our emigrants with their documents.
“The discussions about the stamp are undergoing. I understand that more efforts are needed. We will have a positive answer by the second half of this year”, declared the Foreign Minister of Belgium, Didier Reynerds.
The Belgian Minister confirmed the arrival of a considerable amount of donations that his country will offer for the flooded areas.
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