Two years ago, when the monopoly of the fiscal stamps passed to a
private company, the then Democratic Party government did not allow the
Competition Authority to talk, although they were bound by law. This
violation was a very steep price for consumers.
The Competition Authority says that right after it was given for concession, the private monopoly has increased the price four times. After constant concerns by businesses and Parliamentary requests, the Competition Authority decided to evaluate the concession by asking more information from the Ministry of Finances regarding the agreement and the evaluations made by them.
One month earlier, the Ministry declared that no economic evaluation was done for the concession, not before the agreement and not during its implementation. This is an answer that raises other questions.
The government has publicly vowed to review concessions. The Minister of Finances has declared several times in Parliament that the institution he leads has carefully reviewed all agreements to find the right spaces and legal arguments. But the document of the competition authority proves another version.
Facing the concessionary companies at court might cost the citizens very much, if the government will not have strong arguments against them. The fact that the Ministry of Finances doesn’t have an evaluation yet for one of the most controversial concessions raises serious questions.
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