Vienna Summit, Austrian ambassador reveals goals of “Merkel” initiative

22/08/2015 00:00

The Austrian ambassador in Albania, Thomas Schnoll, explains for Top Channel what Austrian government aims to achieve through organizing the Balkan countries Summit in Vienna, to take place on august 27th.

Schnoll confirms that this initiative started by German Chancellor Angela Merkel last year, is very important, because it confirms that Western Balkans remain in the focus of EU policies. “This was an important political signal, but now in Vienna we want concrete results”, he said, adding, “We want to se this region as one, in order for foreign investors to decide invest their money in a region with 20 million people, not just a country with 3 million inhabitants. That’s why we hope to start in Vienna a process which will modernize infrastructure in these countries”.

There are other projects to be discussed, according to the ambassador, like those of cooperation between countries or student exchange programs, to help improve mutual relations and extinguish prejudices among younger generations.

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