VIDEO/ Officers of Rinas airport who were illegally crossing people into the EU are arrested

04/06/2024 15:52

The authorities have published the moments of the arrest of 8 officers of the Rinas Airport in Tirana, with accusations that they took bribes to pass citizens to EU countries illegally.

The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana has given measures to 9 people, among them assistant specialists and a controller at Rinas airport, all of whom were proven to cooperate with each other to enable the passage of citizens who were prohibited from entering the territory of European Union.

Eneo Sulejmanaj was initially detained for the criminal offense of “production and sale of narcotics”. After seizing his cell phone, the Prosecutor’s Office managed to uncover the entire scheme in which Rinas employees were implicated.

From the conversations it turned out that he was in contact with Briken Tereziu, Assistant Specialist/Controller at the Rinas Airport Border Police Station. Sulejamanaj owns a Travel Agency, “Bus Albania” with the object of activity, among others, “agency for ticket sales”.

In addition to the sale of the plane tickets, Eneo Sulejamanaj kept in constant contact with the police officer Briken Tereziu to whom he sends the data of the people who bought tickets at this agency.

In cases in which persons have returned or deported from EU countries, the police officer Briken Tereziu gave instructions on the travel itinerary so that the passenger bypasses dhe restrictions, setting as the initial destination the airports of the countries that are not in the EU and then making transit flights to EU countries.

This well-thought-out and structured activity, where persons who according to the law and by-laws were not allowed to leave the territory of the Republic of Albania, has been fully documented by the Prosecutor’s Office. For these reasons, the Court of First Instance of Tirana General Jurisdiction was requested and the security measures was approved for the involved.

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