Vetting Law will not change, but Court took another week for final decision

29/12/2016 00:00

The Constitutional Court took another week before publishing the
arguments of their decision against Democratic Party request, who wanted
the Vetting Law to be considered anti-constitutional.

Judges met this Thursday for two hours and passed the arguments in principle, but postponed the final decision to January fifth, since they needed to clarify two issues.

Top Channel learned that the Constitutional Court draft has 40 pages with detailed answers to the matters raised by the opposition.

Top Channel has confirmed once again that the decision rejects the DP request definitely, leaving the law unchanged.

The detailed decision might have an unfavorable interpretation regarding only two points that are still incomplete.

These points are related to the institutions that will vet the figure of judges and prosecutors, and also regarding three declarations about assets, image and self-evaluation. These institutions will be after the Vetting ones are established.

However, this doesn’t change the law and doesn’t bring any obligation for the Parliament. If this will be the final interpretation, it may be an alarm bell for the institutions that will implement the vetting, so that the decisions will not be challenged individually by prosecutors and judges.

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