Vetting law conditions accession negotiations

16/04/2018 17:25

The European Commission recommends opening the accession negotiations for Albania, but the success of these negotiations is conditioned by the further progress of the judicial reform, especially the Vetting process.

The 37-page-long report, a copy of which was obtained by Top Channel as well, says that there has been progress with five key priorities.

“In the light of the progress achieved, the Commission recommends that accession negotiations be opened with Albania. Maintaining and deepening the current reform momentum in the key field of the rule of law, in particular across all five key priorities, and continued, concrete and tangible results in the re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors (vetting) will be decisive for Albania’s further progress. To support this, the Commission would apply the reinforced approach for the negotiating chapters on the judiciary and the fundamental rights and justice, freedom and security to the country”, the Commission says.


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