Verifying government debt to business

30/11/2013 00:00

The renowned auditing company Deloitte is expected to hand over the
final report about the government’s payment to the private business.

Sources from the Ministry of Finances say for Top Channel that the obligations reported by the Ministries reach 27 billion ALL.

Deloitte has verified 80% of the agreements, which are the biggest on the list. After handing over the report, the Minister of Finances will verify it and then it will be made public. But the agreements verified by the Deloitte are only one part of the debt that the state owes to private operators. A huge debt is that of the VAT reimbursement, energy debts and those related to the expropriations, together with a series of other debts that could bring the total at 500 million EUR.

But besides Deloitte, the Ministry of Finances is seeing the issue of identifying the due debts with the International Monetary Fund. An International Monetary Fund mission will arrive in Tirana on December 3rd to give the final approval on the debt and the new tax package.

Sources from the finances say for Top Channel that the International Monetary Fund report will show the obligations that will then undergo the verification on terrain by public institutions.

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PORTOKALLI Portokalli - Bileta