After the arrest of Jeton Lami, the agent of the police operational forces who was seen in company of a dangerous person wanted by the police, the Police Supervision Agency said today that it is verifying all the officers of the Operational Unit and the Renea special group.
The agency said it is verifying possible double employment of the officers, as well as their contacts outside working hours. The police have information that some of the officers of these elite units work outside of working hours as bodyguards of persons with criminal charges, which implicates them in illegal activities.
In some of the recent mafia murders in the country that are still unsolved, it is suspected that the executioners were professionals in the use of firearms, which casts doubts on the elite units of the State Police.
The arrest in July of this year of the former RENEA unit officer Remal Rada, who a few months after his resignation was caught moving with a sniper gun in his car, raised the alarm at the Police Supervision Agency, which in the face of these facts is applying a detailed filter for members of elite units.
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