Venice Commission accepts intermediary role in judiciary reforms

27/01/2015 00:00

The Head of the Venice Commission declared today in Tirana that for
reaching an all-inclusive reform in the judiciary, parties must reduce
conflicts and deep divergences.

“Approving a legislation that has not been discussed enough, or that has not had enough non-partisan support, is not a guarantee for a stable reform. Allow me to say that the Commission of Venice might play an important role here. It brings not only substantial help in its content, but it could help reducing tensions and focus the debate on legal issues”, Gianni Buquicchio declared.

“Without denying the need for legal and constitutional reforms, Gianni Buquicchio says that our country needs a political and democratic culture of tolerance and trust. To reach this, he adds that Albanians should avoid the suspicion measure, referring to the decriminalization.

“The opposition and majority, under the intermediation of the European Parliament, have reached an agreement. This aims for more cooperation in finding a solution to the problem of individuals with a criminal past who are elected or who plan to take public positions. We are talking about a complex legal situation. Certainly, a legislative reform on the causes of the stalemate will be implemented only for the future elected institution. If all political parties commit to the honesty principle for MPs, as for article 71 and 72, the decriminalization effects will be seen immediately”, Buquicchio declared.

Right after the speech of the Commission of Venice, the parties held their respective speeches regarding the judiciary reform.

The majority declared through Minister Naco that their goal is all-inclusiveness. The opposition asked through  Eduart Halimi the undoing of some legal initiatives, in order to gain trust on the opposition. The President declared that the goal of this reform should not be that of having all powers in one hand. He said that removing the corrupted people from the judiciary is essential.

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