Veliaj votes: “Citizens must express their opinion today”

21/06/2015 00:00

The candidate of the left centered coalition, Erion Veliaj, who is
running for the capital city of Albania, Tirana, voted this morning at
09:40, together with his wife, Ajola Xoxa.

Veliaj invited citizens to vote and express what they think: “I want to thank all commissioners. This is a civil act and I want to thank them from my heart. I want to greet those who are voting for their first time. I want to appeal citizens that it is very important to vote. We complain, we show our concerns, but the way how we express what we think is important. I believe that citizens are able to give their massive opinion on what direction they want to give their country. Every vote is valuable, is an invitation to democracy”, Veliaj declared.

By reminding the 10 vote difference between Edi Rama and Lulzim Basha in 2011, Veliaj declared that every vote is valuable. “Today, on this celebration of democracy, let us read the election result with transparency”, he added.

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