Veliaj: “Tirana Artificial Lake received ‘White Flag'”

08/05/2018 14:30

The Tirana Artificial Lake pier has been rehabilitated with the support of the Red Cross, a work dedicated to the founder of this organization, Henry Dunant.

In the ceremony organized for the inauguration, Mayor Veliaj said that thanks to the work that has been done in these two years and a half, the park has been transformed from an area damaged by waste, into a place that can be frequented by all citizens.

“This lake used to be one of the most polluted areas not only in Albania, but in Balkan as well. We have just received the White Flag from the ‘White Flag’ international organization, which certified this as a clean lake where very soon there will be water games and swimming, to bring back the old tradition when the lake was not polluted and was not seen as the property of any individual, but as a public asset”, Veliaj said.

The existing pier was completely rebuilt and also had illumination installed.

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