The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, said that the “Skenderbej” square is
the first public investment that will cover its own costs.
“This is the first time we are making a public investment which can pay its own cost. We build parks, stadiums, but they never can cover their own costs. Half of the underground square is a parking space. This is the first time that an investment is not only useful and beautiful, but it also covers it own investment. We have a parking space for 358 cars, to improve the parking issue in Tirana”, Veliaj said.
The Mayor said the square is ecological, since the fountains circulate even rain water.
“100 fountains circulate water which is filtered and used once again. It saves even rain drops. This is our first ecologic square”, he said.
The Mayor said that the construction of this square is a success that has brought the best architecture studios.
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