On the first day of school, the Minister of Social Welfare, Erjon
Veliaj, visited the Roma families that have been evicted and have
created barracks on a Tirana sidewalk.
The Roma families complained about the humidity and the bad conditions in which they are living in these rainy days. Veliaj introduced the quick steps that will be undertaken by sitting with representatives of the Roma community to discuss about a shelter.
“We will propose three or four places, all of them in a closer place than the one that was initially proposed. Within one week we will make this place ready for the transfer. A mobile medical team will visit and will take blood tests for every person that will be transferred in the new place. All children will be sent to school so that they don’t lose anymore days”, Veliaj declared.
Veliaj says that he has discussed with the Minister of Defense, Mimi kodheli, and have agreed about the building that will be used for sheltering the Roma families within the week.
Veliaj: We will listen every problem of our citizens
The former Minister of Labor and Social Matters handed over his title to the new Minister, Erjon Veliaj, now Minister of Social Welfare and Youth.
“I wish him a good work, success, and may he be relentless in serving the Albanian citizens, with so many of them living in poverty, with domestic problems, and I guarantee that if I may help him in the future, I will give my contribution”, Ksera declared.
The ceremony was held in presence of the ministry staff. Veliaj thanked the predecessors for the work that has been done, together with the staff, and declared that his work will focus on the citizens and their problems.
He announced that the ministry will have a series of changes, since now they will deal with matters that before were dealt by the Ministry of Education or Culture.
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