Veliaj: “Open Data Tirana and My Tirana app, success stories”

03/05/2018 21:37

Tirana has hosted this Thursday the Conference of European Data Protection Authorities. This is the first time that such gathering takes place among Western Balkan countries.  Next year, commissioners from around the world will meet in Tirana.

Mayor Erion Veliaj greeted the works of the conference and said that Tirana is a great inspiring example for data transparency and ease of information access, and encouraged for more investments in this sector.

“I understand that the attention in Europe falls on the central government. However, we admit that 90% of the public life takes place in cities, in a local level. Most of our citizens meet with the government when they take their children to kindergartens, schools, or through roads and green spaces. This is why I encourage you to focus more on local authorities”, Veliaj said.

He presented as an example the “Open Data” platform, in which citizens will be able to take full information for how their money is spent by the municipality.

Through this platform, the municipality of Albania’s capital has created a database for public works and services that are offered by the city in order to increase transparency with citizens and for better managing the taxpayers’ money and time.

Another success story, Veliaj says, is the Tirana Ime application, through which citizens can report problems in a real-time and check how it is being treated by authorities.

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