Valentina Leskaj at the CoE: “Kosovo delegation is still treated as visitor”

26/01/2017 00:00

One year after the resolution for Kosovo passed at the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe, its full implementation has not
started yet.

During a discussion at the CoE, Valentina Leskaj, Chair of the Albanian delegation, said that Kosovo colleagues are still being treated as visitors, without the right to speech.

“It is regrettable that the passing of this resolution has no real progress for fulfilling paragraph 13, after the Kosovo Parliament fulfilled its duty in this aspect. They have appointed a delegation, based on the requests of the Assembly, made of representatives from the majority, the opposition and minorities. They have also respected the gender balance, which shows the clear will to cooperate with the CoE and its institutions, such as the Venice Commission”, Leskaj said.

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