Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu inspected today the vaccination center at the Sports Palace in Shkodra, where the vaccination process for health personnel has begun.
“Today we start vaccination in Shkodra, the first 150 vaccinations, but in the coming days the number of vaccinations will increase from 300 vaccinations per day and then 500 and this week we will open the Vaccination Center in Vlora, extending the process “, said Manastirliu.
Speaking about the vaccination process, the Minister of Health said that the vaccine is transported under all specific conditions. Regarding the opening of regional hospitals for the treatment of patients with COVID, Manastirliu has indicated that the medical staff in these hospitals will be rewarded with a bonus. “In terms of reward, all those regional hospitals that have treated post covid or suspect covid cases, based on the work they have done, will be rewarded with a bonus, according to the workload they’ve had. Of course, now that they will be full time, they will be treated as such “, said Minister Manastirliu.
Also, the Prime Minister Edi Rama and Manastirliu have closely followed the start of vaccination for the elderly in the Home for the Elderly in Shkodra.
Manastirliu stated that a combined calendar for the vaccination of the elderly will be followed, in parallel with the medical staff.
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