The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Hoyt Brian Yee, appealed the
Albanian majority and opposition to keep cooperating in the fight
against corruption, organized crime and narcotics.
“We are very happy that the Albanian people participated in these elections. The international community considered these elections generally according to international standards. We are happy to see Albanians make use of their democratic right to vote, to be part of an important democratic process. Certainly, we are looking forward to the next phase, a new government that we hope will start working as soon as possible with the reforms”, he said.
In an interview for the Voice of America, the US official spoke about the cooperation between the majority and opposition after the elections.
“We want the parties to work harder against corruption among officials, against organized crime and narcotics. We think that these are concerning for all of Albania’s citizens. We aim to continue our partnership with Albania and all parties that want to work with us, so that we can help with the objectives that I mentioned. We want to see further progress in all areas for which we cooperated with the past government”, said the US diplomat.
The US official said it is important for the majority to work with other parties in the opposition or even in coalition, in order to find solutions that are acceptable for everyone.
“It is up to the Prime Minister and the government to decide who will be involved in the government, for all levels. Certainly, we hope they have an all-inclusive stance, so that the government works with the opposition and other parties that are not with the ruling coalition, so that they can find a way to reach enough consensus for important decisions. This can be done through normal political dialogue, compromises or acceptable solutions for both parties. What is important, the majority and the opposition should focus on the work that Albania must do in the spirit of cooperation, in the spirit of putting interests of citizens above politics, so that they can find solutions to help the country and not only political parties. We believe that the purpose of any compromise should be the realization of reforms for joining the EU”, Yee said.
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