USA, concerned about the political stalemate

17/11/2011 20:35

Regardless the dramatic events of the Arab Spring, the US Administration
promises to continue the commitments in Balkan. Speaking in the Foreign
Sub-commission of the Chamber of Representatives for Europe and
Euroasia, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Philip Gordon,
visited all Balkan countries, including Albania.

Admitting the quick approval of the reforms that Albania needed  for winning the NATO membership in 2009 and the contribution in Afghanistan with more than 300 soldiers, Gordon underlined that the US are concerned about the prolonged political stalemate of the Albanian Parliament that has not been able to pass the reforms set by the EU for the candidate status.

Philip Gordon considered as encouraging the opposition’s return in Parliament after the prolonged process of the May 8th local elections.

“We have encouraged the government to approve the EU and OSCE recommendations and make all realistic and concrete efforts for including the opposition and for accepting compromise as part of the political process. At the same time, we have encouraged the opposition to be responsible and forthcoming, which, in a mature democracy, requires a full and active participation in the Parliament.

Philip Gordon appealed all Albanian political leaders in Albania to overcome personal grudges and progress with the reforms, or they will lose further prosperity.

Gordon added that the US are against any border changes in the region, considering the territory exchange as an unacceptable solution.

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