USA and EU: “Vetting passed, now it should be implemented”

22/12/2016 00:00

Now that the Vetting Law passed at the Constitutional Court, the priority of the USA and EU is shifting to its implementation.

Two diplomatic representatives greeted the cerdict of the Constitutional Court and appealed for its implementation to start as soon as possible.

“We encourage the Albanian leaders to work quicker and implement the historic reforms of the justice system in Albania. A significant reform, which removes corrupted judges and prosecutors from the system, has support from the Albanian public and is the main priority of the USA in Albania”, says the reaction of the US Embassy in Tirana.

Brussels also pushes harder on the implementation of the law, and says they will monitor the entire process carefully.

“The EU encourages Albanian authorities to start the implementation of the Vetting Law right away. The European Commission will support Albania based on the progress, and the results of the Vetting process will be noted by the International Monitoring Operation”, says the EU declaration.

The EU Ambassador to Tirana, Romana Vlahutin, greeted the Vetting Law from social networks, saying on Twitter: “Very proud and happy for Albania”.

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