US State Department: “Corruption and impunity remain a problem”

13/04/2016 00:00

The US State Department has published the annual report on human rights,
in which it states that corruption in Albania remains a wide problem in
all government branches, especially in the justice, health, education
sectors, including police and even public universities.

Another problem, according to the report, is impunity. “Officials, politicians and powerful businessmen have often avoided conviction”, the report underlines. The government started investigating some high-level officials, but the Prosecution decided to suspend these cases, according to the chapter for Albania.

A radical problem, the report states, remains family violence, discrimination against women, child abuse, marginalization of Roma and Egyptian communities and discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity. However, the government has facilitated the integration of Iranian Mujahideens in Albania.

The report says that some citizens have reported mistreatment by police and conditions in prisons remain difficult. The report underlines that the government has progressed with the requests for returning and compensating the properties that were seized during communism.

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