US special Kosovo envoy reminds Veseli the support for Kurti’s removal of 100% tax

07/02/2020 16:46

US Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Richard Grenell seemed to oppose today a statement by the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli regarding the politics towards Serbia, reminding him that the US has required that Kosovo abolish the 100% tax on Serbian products.

In this regard he expressed his support for the new Prime Minister Albin Kurti initiative in removing the tax and replacing it with the full reciprocity regime.

Grenell replied to a post the KDP head had made on the 21-st of January.

Veseli had stated that Kosovo is grateful to US President Donald Trump for his continued attention and care. “We know we are on the right track when we have US support. Many thanks to Ambassador Richland Grenell and Security Adviser Robert O’Brien for the crucial role”, Veseli concluded the post.

Special Envoy Grenell replied: “Kadri, the United States is asking Kosovo to drop the 100% tariffs. It hurts that Kosovo chases businesses away from creating jobs. Albin is right on this”.

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