US secretary Blinken in Tirana, appreciates PM Rama and alliance with Albania: We face every difficulty together

15/02/2024 15:59

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived today in Tirana for an official visit, where he met with dignitaries and held a joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama.

He praised the head of the government and the partnership between the two countries.

“As a former mayor, you have given beautiful colors to the country, I am grateful for the partnership we have”, he told Prime Minister Rama.

“Rama has been by our side in every difficulty and we have faced them together. Previously, our only relationship during the time of the Cold War was in the Voice of America. Look around today, there is light, cafes, halls, it is a powerful living symbol of the future and the present of US-Albania relations”, said Blinken.

“Last year, a record number of tourists visited Albania, your country qualified for the European Championship. I will come during the cup finals and maybe I can help you. Americans dance to the music of Dua Lipa, AI’s boss is Murati and one of the best restaurants is Albanian,” said Blinken about what he considered the achievements of Albania and Albanians.

PM Rama also appreciated Secretary Blinken’s comments as he welcomed him.

“The former dictator would be enraged by this visit today. He taught us to hate you but today we welcome you, as a temple that expands horizons. Many of the owners of this pyramid would like to be here. I wish you welcome, as written in our law 500 years ago, the house of the Albanian belongs to the guest. We are not as boring as other countries can be,” said Rama at the beginning of his speech.

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