US Prosecutor meets PG Llalla over Balili case

15/12/2016 00:00

One day after the US Ambassador criticized the Albanian institutions for
not arresting Klemend Balili, the Albanian-American prosecutor, gjon
Juncaj, attended a behind-closed-door meeting with the Prosecutor
General of Albania, Adriatik Llalla.

The purpose of this meeting was not officially announced, but sources suggest that it is about the path followed for Balili’s arrest, one week after the Court of Serious Crimes issued an arrest order against him, accused of drug traffic and organized crime.

One day after the strong declaration of the US Ambassador, the Justice Minister, Ylli Manjani, reacted and declared that the Albanian law clearly states whoa re the persons that make the arrests, and who are those that give sentences.

Minister Manjani reinforced this stance in a phone interview with Top Channel:

TCH: Mr.Manjani, you say in your reaction that no one should hide behind alibis. Who are you referring to?

Manjani: The Albanian justice system has too much blame shifting between the Police, prosecution and courts, which cannot last forever. The law is very clear. Alibis to make the Ministry of Justice part of this game, are not acceptable.

TCH: Are you saying that the police and the prosecution are trying to blame others for the Balili case?

Manjani: When there will be a result out of this case, when the Minister of Justice will still have the right to inspect, I promise yopu that I will inspect.

TCH: The Ministry of Justice kept the file for one month.

Manjani: The files were not kept, but they were translated through 15 translators. It was done in a record time.

On the day when the US Prosecutor met with the Albanian PG, this reaction shows that the Ministry of Justice has tried to keep distance from this debate. Top Channel had reported earlier during December about delays caused with the arrest of Balili.

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