US: “List with nine MPs, made up. No one considered non-grata”

11/03/2015 00:00

The US embassy to Tirana has rejected all declarations made by the
Democratic Party Official Newspaper, “Rilindja Demokratike”, which has
claimed that the embassy has planned a list with nine “non-grata”
Parliament Members.

“The article published on the Rilindja Demokratike newspaper, referring to a list of nine non-grata Parliament Members, is completely made up. The Embassy watches closely issues that are related to the crime and corruption of all political parties, but we have never made such as list”, the announcement says.

The Embassy reiterates the importance of cleaning the political forces from criminal elements.

“We encourage all Albanian parties, as we did on March 2nd, that the individuals involved in corruptive and criminal activities should be remoevd. We support the work done in the Parliament for drafting a legislation based on the Resoution of December 24th, 2014”, the announcement says.

The US Embassy explained also the problems created regarding the US-Americn Friendship meeting.

“The inaugurating meeting was postponed because of the current political climate in Parliament and the lack of willingness by the Democratic Party to participate”, the Embassy declared.

The opposition reacted immediately, saying that the Democratic Party supports the postponement.

“This meeting, with the presence of Ilir Meta as Parliament Speaker, while he is being investigated, and the participation of some Parliament Members who would be object of the decriminalization procedure, would be unsuitable”, the declaration says.

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