US Embassy project, anti-corruption starts with students

08/05/2015 00:00

The US embassy has started a project with hgih-school students that aims to raise awareness for the fight against corruption.

Students from the high schools of Elbasan played scenes of typical corruption cases, such as in the education, health and judiciary systems. Ambassador Donald Lu told children that corruption should be fought by an active and well-informed civilian society.

“Corruption is a problem to all of us and we want to end it. One of the most powerful tools is an active society. Students, NGOs, media outlets and common citizens must demand to end corruption. Courageous Albanians must say stop”, the US ambassador declared.

The Minister of Education, Lindita Nikolla, promised to be close to the students of the Konstandin Kristoforidhi high school in their fight against any form of corruption.

Minister Blendi Cuci appealed the citizens to react, since corruption cannot be fought only by the government. According to him, civilian education is very important in the civil education.

“Corruption is not fought only by the government, the police, the judiciary and institutions, but first of all by the society. If we don’t have a society that reports, this phenomenon will always follow us”, declared the Minister of State for Local Matters, Bledi Cuci.

Elbasan students involved in this project were funded by the US Embassy for the fight against corruption and impunity. They proposed the inclusion of an anti-corruption module in the Civil Education subjects, with the purpose to educate responsible citizens in fighting this phenomenon.

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