US Embassy: “Efforts to weaken Vetting Law and judiciary reform”

12/06/2017 00:00

The US Embassy didn’t hold any open public stance when a second
complaint was filed against the Vetting Law at the Constitutional Court,
this time by two associations of lawyers, one week after the law
received support from the tree main parties.

The US Embassy greeted this stance and made a strong warning against the complaint failed by judges against the verifications that the law foresees for justice people tied with the organized crime.

“The Albanian people should be concerned about these efforts to weaken the reform, in order to defend corrupted judges and prosecutors, including the ones who have connections with the organized crime”, says the press release of the US Embassy.

Judges argue it is not very clear who is classified as a suspect, which could cause abusive decisions from the vetting laws. But the US Embassy supports the law as it is right now, without changes.

“The Vetting Law should be strong and meaningful, because the main anti-corruption elements of the reform, including the Special Prosecution Against Corruption and the National Bureau of Investigation depend from honest judges and prosecutors”, the declaration says.

The US Embassy declaration has a message for the Constitutional Court as well, for which international partners had complaints about lacking of transparency and unusual fast procedures for reviewing the case.

“We encourage the Constitutional Court to review the complaints in an open and transparent way, focusing on the Venice Commission recommendations”.

The US Embassy encouraged media and citizens to be aware and not allow corrupted people steal their democracy.

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