US Ambassador on Provisory Prosecutor General: “The Constitution is clear”

19/01/2018 14:08

‘The Constitution and the law about the Prosecution are very clear”, says the US Embassy in support of the legal opinion that OPDAT and EURALIUS, the US and EU missions, have given to the Albanian Parliament.

After this declaration, the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, reacted by saying that this declaration rebukes once again the wrong interpretation that the Democratic party is making of the Constitution. “Let’s hope for some reflection”, Rama said.

The embassy reacted after the leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Monika Kryemadhi, wrote a letter to the diplomatic sees in Tirana, in which she stated that the purpose of this majority is to corrupt the judiciary system.

A few days ago, the SMI and DP filed propositions for amending the Constitution and removing the current Prosecutor, who, they claim, is not constitutional. Before the appointing of Arta Marku, OPDAT and  EURALIUS suggested the appointing of a new provisory prosecutor through a simple majority.

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