Urban Inspectorate had reported Vlore building

31/10/2013 00:00

Two years ago, the constructions without criteria in Vlore were a
concern for which the Prosecution had been notified through a lawsuit
against the National Council of Territory Regulation (NCTR ) of the
Vlore Municipality, and through the Urban Planning Directory.

The report for power abuse has been made by a state institution, the National Urban Construction Inspectorate, and was related to a construction made into the sea, close to the “Uji i Ftohtw” area.

But the fate of this report is still unclear today. Regardless of Top Channel’s inquiries, there has been no official answer if this file has been suspended or sent to be tried.

The document that Top Channel has been able to secure reports that illegal constructions were being made in the “Uji I Ftohtw” area, according to the decisions taken by the NCTR of the Vlore Municipality, numbered 5/6 and 5/7 and dated August 17th. The document is about the approval of the construction site and its urban conditions, and for passing the construction permit for a residential and service building, 3, 4, 5 floors plus an attic and one story of shops.

The report explains that the construction site of this object is positioned close to the sea, and the western side is situated on the line between the beach and the water surface, an area considered of national importance.

By listing the law violations, the ispectorate says that by referring to the photographic images in different times, it is clear that in the time when the work had not started yet on site, this was only a narrow strip of land that divided the road from the sea, and that later turned into a construction site by constantly throwing inert materials at sea.

According to the reports, the violations by the NCTR consist in preparing the technical-legal documentation of the object in question, a flagrant violation of the law by the Urban Planning Directory. After that, these documents were shown for approval at the NCTR of Vlore. The report says that the construction has damaged the interests of economy int his tourist area.

“The public functionaries of the Vlore Municipality NCTR, and especially Mr.Shpetim Gjika, as President of this Council, and other public officials of the Urban Planning Directory, although they have special responsibilities as provided by the law, and these responsibilities are implementing the general and special legal and technical rules, they have hampered their implementation by allowing the building of a construction object in a territory of special environmental and tourist values, in which every construction development is forbidden”, the report says.

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