Unwarned fines against car drivers increased more than ever this April. 60% of them were issued without the drivers’ knowledge.
After the reports on the media, the Interior Minister asked the Traffic Police to inform the citizens for the fines.
The end of April, when the efforts of the Interior Ministry to stop the problem started, coincided with the end of the PAMEKA project, a web page where the citizens could check their fines when they were not warned.
Unofficial sources say that the figures increase each month. In more than 70% of the cases, the driver has not been notified for the fine, being unprepared with the Task Force that operates for collecting the unpaid fines. The situation by the end of the month is the same.
The General Chief of Police is not stopping this procedure. The Traffic Police are concerned that they are being blamed for everything, while the phenomenon was built and is turning into an unwritten operation by the patrols that have the duty to keep the order and give fines.
The problem is that the end of May is even more concerning, because the Interior Minister, when asked about this case, promised an improvement of the situation.
A police patrol should always be near the public school, as the protocol demands, but you can hardly see one, even only for creating the image, although this academic year did not appear to be problematic.
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