The Parliamentary Commission of economy approved the agreement of direct
negotiations between the government and the Deloitte Company for
auditing the debt that government owes to private business operators.
“We have chosen a procedure negotiated with a prestigious audit company, and we have agreed for the way how the debt will be identified. Our goal is that in a relatively short time we can clear the claims of ministries and businesses alike, make them face each other and have a better evidence”, Ervin Mete declared.
The company will be paid with 85.000 EUR to identify the claims of the businesses to the state, without having the responsibility to make verifications on terrain.
“It doesn’t mean that the Albanian government will pay immediately what the company will identify, because we will have to make the verifications first”, declared Ilirjan Cilibashi, Minister for Relations with Parliament.
The public institutions that have signed those agreements will make the necessary verifications of the real debt level.
“These obligations are presumably deriving from inability to fulfill the contractual obligations, or even because of the fulfillment of contractual obligations. We must verify if the companies have concluded the work for what they are claiming payments”, Celibashi declared.
The leader of the Commission of Economy, Erjon Brace, asked the government to conclude the agreement within the deadlines in order to not create further burdens from the debt.
“I appeal the business and you to become part of this process as soon as possible. They must make the proper identification at the government, as the agreement and the draft law say, so that we can end this process that unfortunately has been denied for the past four years and now that it is evident, it needs to be resolved”, Brace declared.
The International Monetary Fund and the Albanian government have declared that the unpaid debts reach 560 million EUR in total.
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