Unemployed people will receive free training for skill improvement

30/03/2018 13:09

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, declared that there are 10,000 people who want to find a job, but if they don’t have the technical skills, they will receive training.

“There is a psychological difficulty among those who have been living for a long time on social welfare. They are used with it and have created some kind of numbness. The employment challenge has its own complexities, and it starts with the skills. The professional education has not been developed in our country for the past 20 years. Hence, we are facing the consequences that we all can see. We have reformed the social welfare scheme. There are 10,000 people who want to find a job, but if they don’t have technical skills, we will pay and train them”, the government leader declared.

Rama added that these persons need to be paid more than the average social welfare level.

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