Unaffordable holidays for Albanians, only 24 percent were able to enjoy the coast

30/08/2023 21:03

Only 24% of Albanians were able to afford holidays away from home this summer season.

Although the Albanian coast andbeaches was a favorite for millions of foreigners who visited, it seems they were inaccessible to the locals.

According to a survey conducted by Top Channel, it appears that more than 60% of Albanians could not financially afford a week’s vacation away from home, while only 13% stated that they had the opportunity to afford a few days of relaxation only at the weekend.

“I took some vacations in Radhima, Vlora. For us who are pensioners they are very expensive. For those who come from abroad, they are cheaper”, said one interviewee.

“No, I didn’t have the opportunity to take a vacation this year because I couldn’t afford the prices. Compared to previous years, the prices have changed, with the arrival of foreign tourists, the prices have increased, so we find it more difficult to afford it,” said another citizen.

However, a good part of the citizens who were able to take vacations spent them abroad.

According to official statistics, there is an increase in the number of Albanians who traveled abroad during the summer season, a figure which has increased compared to last year, according to statistics.

Top Channel