Vangjel Dule, leader of PBDNJ, the party representing the Greek minority
in Albania (United for Human Rights Party), was last night’s guest on
Top Channel’s “Top Story”, hosted by Sokol Balla.
Dule criticized the Prime Minister Rama about his stance with Greece, accusing him of being a fake cosmopolitan and a fake nationalist at the same time. “He doesn’t have none of both. He adopts each of these features based on his daily interest”.
Dule says their disagreements with the Socialist Party started with the central elections of 2013, when, he said, Rama tried to weaken them by taking votes away from them.
Sokol Balla: “You are saying there were intentional actions to make you lose your Parliamentary seat?
Vangjel Dule: “Intentional and organized. After they failed, every Socialist was told that I was given an MP seat by the Socialist Party, otherwise I would have not won. After failing with their attempts to push me away, they started with this denigration.
Dule said he rejected Berisha’s government in 2009, an action that was never appreciated by the Socialist Party. The PBDNj leader openly declared that his party would not be part of the Socialist coalition.
“He abandoned an old alliance and created a new one without taking any commitment that could prove to be problematic in the future. He couldn’t form the numbers with Mr.Meta to play the same game, although the desire to do so with him was much bigger than doing it with our party”, Dule said.
When asked about the relations with PDIU, the party which represents the Cham Albanians who were evicted from Greece (Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity) and who demand justice for the genocide against Albanians, Dule said his party “cannot live together with extremism and chauvinism”.
For Dule, the Albanian-Greek maritime border agreement is influenced by Turkey.
“Turkey is the only country that has problems with it. For me, the agreement between Greece and Albania was ideal, serving to the best interests of both countries. If Rama would have not been an obstacle, there would be so many positive developments with the natural resources of both countries”, Dule said.
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