Two police officers charged for death of detainee by fire in police station in Tirana

17/02/2023 20:42

Less than a year after the death of Arben Mici from the fire inside the premises of the police station, the prosecutor’s office of Tirana filed charges against two officers who after the investigations were charged with abuse of office.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, police officers Fatmir Isufi and Hajredin Boja violated the regulations when they allowed the late 26-year-old to have prohibited items in a detention room, by which the victim set the mattresses on fire.

The accusation against the policemen is supported by the lighter found in the pocket of the deceased, who was earlier arrested for domestic violence but a few hours after the arrest came out lifeless from police station number 5 in the capital.

The prosecution also brings the testimony of another detainee named Dilaver Idrizi, who was injured during the fire that engulfed the police station.

He says he saw the victim, Arben Mici was continuously smoking cigarettes.

“I don’t know who lit his cigarettes, but at one point he came to my room with a cigarette.

I told him that I couldn’t stand the smoke and he went away, then I heard screams, smoke and flames that spread”, testified the arrested person for the Prosecution.

For three others, the Prosecutor’s Office closed the investigation as the charges was unproven.

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