Two miners were killed on Saturday as a result of the collapse of a chrome gallery in Tropoja in northern Albania.
The police announced that in the serious event in the village of Lajthizë, the victims were 41 years old Adil Dauti, and Afrim Zhutaj, 40, both residents of Tropoja.
It was ionitially reported that a third miner was trapped with the victims, but the report was revealed untrue.
“Following the information given earlier, regarding the collapse of the gallery in the village of Lajthizë, where the citizen AD, 41 years old, lost his life and the citizen A.ZH remained trapped inside the gallery, we inform you that the mining rescue group retrieved the dead body of the citizen A. Zh., 40 years old, resident in Kepenek, Tropoja”, is said in the police announcement.
The investigative group under the direction of the Tropoja Judicial District Prosecutor’s Office continues the investigations for the causes of the event.
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