The Parliamentary Commission of Investigations that was established for
discharging the two members of the High Council of Justice, Elvis Cefa
and Lulzim Lelcaj, will investigate the assets of the two HCJ members,
together with their close family members.
This was a request made by MP Spartak Braho in today’s meeting, where they approved the regulation and procedures that will be followed in this commission that is being held without the presence of the four opposition MPs.
“It is necessary to investigate even the close relatives of the HCJ members. These issues have created problems, that’s why we will investigate it”, Braho declared.
The Head of the Investigative Commission, Armando Subashi, explained that the investigation is for any data between the HCJ and other state institutions, and for every decision taken by them during this time.
“We will make an official request to the HCJ to hand us over all the documentation regarding the procedure followed by the HCJ for the professional testing of judges, the recruits at the Administrative Court. We will add in our requests even the method used for appointing people at the administration of the High Council of Justice”, declared the Chairman of this Commission, Armando Subashi.
According to Subashi, another moment of investigation is related to the requests made by the former President of the Supreme Court, and also former Prosecutor General, regarding her appointment at the Court of Appeal.
The Commission will investigate even for the procedure followed for the appointing of the Magistrate School Director and for the correspondences with the Ministers of Justice. This information will be collected by Thursday, and in the next meeting they will decide who will be called at the Commission. The investigation will start after this.
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