Two brothers killed in Lac

04/02/2014 00:00

A person that the police say is mentally ill, has killed two brothers in Lac, at 08:30, near the van station.

Witnesses say that after killing the two brothers, the man has started shooting around on the street, by wounding to passerby citizens.

The two victims are Andrea and Endri Cara, 27 and 30, while the author of this murder is Altin Piroli, friend of the victims. The three of them were from the Zhej village, Kurbin.

The wounded citizens are Nikoll Ndoji and Tonin Gjini, 24 and 22, who were brought to the Tirana Trauma hospital for a specialized treatment. One of the wounded has been shot in the pelvis, the other in the arm.

Both brothers were shot inside the bar. The author has emptied the first magazine with the two victims, then filled it up again to shoot at others on the road.

Residents ran in panic and the 27-year-old has turned the weapon towards the police officers who were trying to stop him, but he had finished al bullets.

The victims and the killer are neighbors in their village. Police say Altin Piroli has wounded his cousin two years ago, serving one year in prison.

Police found two weapons on him, while the killer was taken under arrest. Police is interrogating him about the motives that might have led him to this double murder.

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