Although Ndue Frroku has retired, his passion for the lathe has not diminished.
For 50 years, he has been working as a turner, which although seems difficult, for him it is quite easy.
“I was passionate about it, of course.
I have worked for many years with building the ships, at sea but if I do something incorectly there is no towboat to go and get someone, it is in the middle of the sea, so the responsibility is extremely big”, says Frroku .
He says that at the school where he studied, there were many women who studied lathe, but today he doesn’t see any.
“I had a lot of women in my class at that time, maybe 7-8 girls.
“Women were not employed in heavy duty work, for example, not in a heavy lathe, there was a lighter ones, there was a drill or a milling machine, there were other options”, Frroku adds.
In these 50 years, he says has taken a lot of satisfaction from his work, but he says that he is afraid that nowadays the profession is disappearing.
“If I had any failure, I took a step back, I calmed down, I reviewed it once more, I repaired it.
The greatest feeling is when you are especially faced with a difficult task and in the end you have accomplished it.”
To love knowledge and work is the message that Frroku gives to young people. “Young people should know only one thing, you have to love work, if you don’t love the job and you don’t want the knowledge, you will become nobody”, he concludes.
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