TSO explains why the auction was cancelled

22/10/2011 08:50

The Transmission System Operator is a public corporation that manages
the high voltage lines for transmitting imported or exported electrical
power in Albania.

“On July 2011, we cancelled a single auction procedure that was held for allocating the variable yearly capacities of the interconnection. The auction was cancelled for procedural reasons, and this has been announced on our official web page and it was also reported at the Energy Regulation Entity. This auction for allocating the same capacities was repeated in full accordance with the legal framework”, says the TSO reaction.

Three days ago, the “Shqip” newspaper published a letter that the Energy Secretariat in Vienna sent to the Albanian government, questioning why the government had set by law that CEZ and KESH would exclusively manage 75% of the importing capacity in the country.

The Deputy Minister of Economy, Eno Bozdo, declared that the government aims to gradually liberalize the rights of using the import network, starting from the next year.

TSO has tried to sell through auctions the remaining capacity of 25%, but the auction was not successful. According to the rules of the Energy Secretariat, the web pages of the TSO must be at least in English, so that the market operators have no language barriers.

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