Traffic Code amends

04/01/2012 19:35

Monday on January 11th is the day when the new changes of the traffic code
will enter in act, with the police applying double-priced fines.

During an interview for Top Channel, the director of the Traffic Police, Vullnet Topalli, gave a press release for informing the citizens about the fines and that the state authorities will undertake a campaign.

“All details will be quoted by the police employees while giving the fines to traffic rule violators. We will also give an announcement through the TV stations of the country about the recent changes. The campaign will aim to raise awareness among drivers”, Topalli declared.

An interesting change is the driving license points, but it will not start on January 11th.

“It will start later, after 18 months, because all other obligations are foreseen by the Directory of Road Transport and not the Traffic Police”, Topalli declared.

The harshest fines will be for trespassing the speed limit, for driving under the influence of alcohol, for not using the safety belt, for driving whilst disqualified and for hit and runs.

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