Towards united Albania

23/05/2012 19:55

Friday on May 18th, after Tirana and Prishtina, another Albanian center
honored the founder of Top Media, Dritan Hoxha, by naming a street after
him in Tetovo, Macedonia. This road will now be called “Dritan Hoxha”,
or “The Unification Road”.

It’s the unification road, because Dritan Hoxha’s name unites the Albanians that live in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Europe and America, through the creation of the Top Media founder, especially Top Channel, which, as the Albanian analyst in Skopje, Kim Mehmeti, is the pride of all Macedonian Albanians.

Naming the road after the Top Media founder was an initiative of the Tetovo Commune and that was voted by the Council of the Commune, with the votes of all councilors. In the inauguration ceremony there were the Top Media President, Vjollca Hoxha, and Top Media directors.

But how united do the Albanians feel within and outside the borders? What concerns them in the 100th year of the creation of the Albanian state? To this and many other questions, Top Channel’s program “Shqip” tried to give an answer this Monday, while visiting Tetovo on the ceremony of the “Dritan Hoxha” street inauguration.

Present were the publicists Daut Gumeni and Kim Mehmeti, historians Pellumb Xhufi, the Self-Determination Movement MP at the Kosovo Parliament, Glauk Konjufca and the Mayor of Tetovo, Sadi Bexheti.

The Mayor explained how the idea for the name of this road was born, starting from the passage at the Municipal Council and the ceremony in the presence of Mayor Sadi Bexheti and the Top Media President, Vjollca Hoxha.

Bexheti declared that the proposition was approved with the unanimous votes of the Municipal Council, because Dritan Hoxha is the name that unites all Albanians.

Historian Pellumb Xhufi declared that Dritan Hoxha gave to the Albanians a workshop where to process the economic and political opinion:

“Dritan Hoxha has given many things to the Albanian society. He has given them a great workshop where to process the economic and political opinion. Top Channel has always been the vanguard, always opposing the evil, especially when it is in power. I am grateful that the profession and the original way of that television turned into a reference point for all Albanians.

The Albanian analyst in Macedonia, Kim Mehmeti, declared that Dritan Hoxha is a parenthesis of the future.

“Tan Hoxha’s figure inspires us for the future. We must see how our minds think on a single pedestal, not divided. Dritan Hoxha created the standard of the Albanian media, joined the Albanian leaders. He was ahead of his time. We must learn to be identified with our values, which are very important. I am proud to be part of this project.”

Publicist Daut Gumeni declared that Dritan Hoxha was the man that crossed the limits, who broke the barriers and who joined the Albanians.

But how united are the Albanians on the 100th year of independence? How are they responding to the political and economic aggression of the neighbors and other populations in Balkan?

For the invited, what has historically penalized and what keeps penalizing the unification of the Albanians, is politics. Politics in Tirana, Prishtina, Skopje and wherever, first sees the power and then the state. A politics that did not know how (or didn’t wanted) to manage the situations in favor of Albania.

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