Totozani visits Roma

05/08/2012 12:15

The Ombudsman visited the Roma families who live in cabins and shacks in
the suburbs of Tirana. They complain of having nothing to live by now
that the Municipality doesn’t allow them to collect recycled wastes for

“They arrived two days ago and made a big mess. A police agent told me that he was going to beat me”, declared a Roma woman.

The Ombudsman declared that the law says that the wastes are state property and the Municipality has the right to stop the Roma from taking them, but this is unjust when this community doesn’t benefit anything from the social scheme that covers any Albanian unemployed or homeless person.

“These people are outside the system, they have not been registered, have no houses and no ways of employment or education. We have a community that doesn’t benefit from the modest goods of the Albanian social system. Even if what the Municipality is doing is legal, these people have their lives in danger”, declared Igli Totozani, Ombudsman.

The Head of the Municipality Police, Florenc Hoxha, who has been accused for violence against the Roma families, Totozani declared that he is still under investigation.

He appealed all institutions to complete their tasks for respecting the rights of the Roma community, allowing them to get registered, to receive education, jobs and shelters.

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